The mgiBannerAd Tag

Tag Behavior

The mgiBannerAd tag displays rotating banner ads with a database-driven administration. Banner Ads are chosen at random from the range of currently active banners. Banners with a higher number of projected hits and less time left in a contract are more likely to be displayed than banners with a lower number of projected hits and more time left in a contract.

Tag Syntax

The mgiBannerAd tag has one required parameter and two optional parameters. The tag form is:

<mgiBannerAd bannerAdSet="Table Name"
defaultBannerAdSet="Table Name" mode="Admin">

Required Parameters:

  • bannerAdSet="Table Name" where "Table Name" is the name of the database table set from which banners are selected. Banner Ad sets are created with the banner ad database administration. The table set name is case-sensitive.

Optional Parameters:

  • defaultBannerAdSet="Table Name" where "Table Name" is the name of the database table set that banners are selected from when banners for all projected hits during a time period have been displayed. The table set name is case-sensitive.
  • mode="Admin" where "Admin" indicates that the Banner Ad database administration is displayed. When the mode parameter is present, all other parameters are ignored. The database administration includes search, add, modify, and delete options:

Example Usage and Output

<mgiBannerAd bannerAdSet="Home" defaultBannerAdSet="Advertising">

The mgiBannerAd tag in this example would display one banner ad from the "Home" set in the location of the tag. The presentation of banner ads is based upon an algorithm that accounts for the number of banner ads, the projected hits and the period of time left in contracts.

Suggested Usage

  • Banner Ads

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