The mgiDynamicPopup Tag

Tag Behavior

The mgiDynamicPopup tag dynamically builds a popup menu of unique values in a database field.

Tag Syntax

The mgiDynamicPopup tag has four required parameters and three optional parameter. The tag form is:

<mgiDynamicPopup source="Source" databaseFileLocation="File Path"
tableName="Table Name" fieldName="Database Field" name="Name"
initialMenuItem="Item" initialMenuItemValue="Value">

Required Parameters:

  • source="Source" where "Source" is the location of the popup menu items. Currently "database" is the only valid source.
  • databaseFileLocation="File Path" where "File Path" is the relative path to the database file that contains the popup menu items. The database name is case-sensitive.
  • tableName="Table Name" where "Table Name" is the name of the database table that contains the popup menu items. The table name is case-sensitive.
  • fieldName="Database Field" where "Database Field" is the name of the database field whose values will be displayed in the popup menu. Every unique value from the database field will be displayed in ascending order (A to Z, smallest to largest) in the popup menu.

Optional Parameters:

  • name="Name" where "Name" is the name of the popup menu. The default name is "field=FieldName" where "FieldName" is the name of the database field specified in the fieldName parameter.
  • initialMenuItem="Item" where "Item" is the first item that will be displayed in the popup menu. The default is a blank space.
  • initialMenuItemValue="Value" where "Value" is the value of the first item in the popup menu. The default value is empty.

Example Usage and Output

<mgiDynamicPopup source="database" 
databasefilelocation="JobDatabase" tablename="Positions"
fieldname="State" initialmenuitem="-- select item --">

This mgiDynamicPopup tag will display unique States listed in the Positions table of the JobDatabase. The first item in the popup menu will be -- select item --.

Suggested Usage

  • Searchable Databases
  • Form Processing

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