
The mgiLinkTag

Tag Behavior

The mgiLink tag creates text or graphic links to a specific URL or referral URL (e.g. a dynamic "back" button).

Tag Syntax

The mgiLink tag has no required parameters and three optional parameters. The tag form is:

<mgiLink text="LinkText" image="ImagePath" url="URL">

Required Parameters:

  • None.

Optional Parameters:

  • text="LinkText" where "LinkText" is the text that is linked. The text and image parameters are mutually exclusive (you may include one or the other, but not both). See the default behaviors below.
  • image="ImagePath" where "ImagePath" is the relative path to the image that is displayed and linked. The text and image parameters are mutually exclusive (you may include one or the other, but not both). See the default behaviors below.
  • url="URL" where "URL" is the absolute or relative address included in the link. See the default behavior below.

Tag Behaviors

  1. If no parameters are included, the text "Back" is displayed and linked to the referral URL.
  2. If only the text parameter is included, the text is displayed and linked to the referral URL.
  3. If only the image parameter is included, the image is displayed and linked to the referral URL.
  4. If the text and url parameters are included, the text is displayed and linked to the specified URL.
  5. If the image and url parameters are included, the image is displayed and linked to the specified URL.

Example Usage and Output

<mgiLink text="Guide Index" url="../index.html">

The mgiLink tag in this example will display a text link to the index page of the user guide:

Guide Index

Suggested Usage

  • Dynamic "Back" Buttons

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