The mgiSBPrice Tag

Tag Behavior

The mgiSBPrice tag locates the price field and any price break fields in a database-driven shopping basket.

Tag Syntax

The mgiSBPrice tag has 2 required parameters and 16 optional parameters. The tag form is:

<mgiSBPrice name="Name" priceFieldName="Database Field" 
quantityFieldName2="Database Field" 
priceFieldName2="Database Field"
quantityFieldNameX="Database Field"
priceFieldNameX="Database Field"
quantityFieldName9="Database Field"
priceFieldName9="Database Field">

Required Parameters:

  • name="Name" where "Name" is the unique name of the mgiSBPrice tag. This name is used only by MGI and is not visible to visitors.
  • priceFieldName="Database Field" where "Database Field" is the database field name which contains the price of each product. The database field name is case-sensitive.

Optional Parameters:

  • quantityFieldName2 ... quantityFieldName9="Database Field" where "Database Field" is the database field name which contains each quantity level for price breaks. Price breaks are determined by the quantity that is greater than or equal to the quantity in each of these database fields. The database field names are case-sensitive.
  • priceFieldName2 ... priceFieldName9="Database Field" where "Database Field" is the database field name which contains each price level for price breaks. The database field names are case-sensitive.

Example Usage and Output

<mgiSBPrice name="Price" priceFieldName="Price" 
quantityFieldName2="Quan2" priceFieldName2="Price2"
quantityFieldName3="Quan3" priceFieldName3="Price3">

In this example, there are 2 additional levels of price breaks when a visitor purchases multiple quantities of a single item.

Suggested Usage

  • Database-Driven Shopping Basket

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