Hiding Counters and Constructing a Counter Summary Page


Creating a summary of counters for the main pages of a web site.

MGI Tags

  • mgiCounter


  1. Open the pages of your web site in a text editor.
  2. Insert an mgiCounter tag, name parameter, display parameter and increment parameter on each main page of your web site.
  3. Save the main pages of your web site.
  4. Create a counter summary page.
  5. Save the counter summary page.
  6. Open the counter summary page in a text editor.
  7. Insert an mgiCounter tag, name parameter, display parameter and increment parameter for each main page of your web site.
  8. Save the counter summary page.
  9. FTP the main pages of your web site and the counter summary page to the web server running MGI.
  10. Access the pages of your web site and the counter summary page in a web browser.

Step 1: Open the pages of your web site in a text editor.

Open the pages of your web site in a text editing program that allows you to view and modify the HTML.

Step 2: Insert an mgiCounter tag, name parameter, display parameter and increment parameter on each main page of your web site.

On each page of your web site, insert an mgiCounter tag, name parameter, display parameter, and increment parameter. The mgiCounter tag and parameters may be entered anywhere on the pages because the counter will not be visible. In the name parameter, enter a unique counter name for each page. Counter names are case-sensitive. In the display parameter, enter "No". In the increment parameter, enter "Yes".
Home Page Counter Example:
<mgiCounter name="index" display="No" increment="Yes">
Contact Page Counter Example:
<mgiCounter name="contact" display="No" increment="Yes">

Step 3: Save the main pages of your web site.

Save the changes you have made to the main pages of your web site.

Step 4: Create a counter summary page.

Create a page to display the counters from the main pages of your web site.

Step 5: Save the counter summary page.

Save the counter summary page and name it "countersummary.html".

Step 6: Open the counter summary page in a text editor.

Open the counter summary page in a text editing program that allows you to view and modify the HTML.

Step 7: Insert an mgiCounter tag, name parameter, display parameter and increment parameter for each main page of your web site.

On the counter summary page, insert an mgiCounter tag, name parameter, display parameter, and increment parameter for each main page of your web site. In the name parameter, enter the name of the counter to display. Counter names are case-sensitive. In the display parameter, enter "Yes". In the increment parameter, enter "No".
Home Page: <mgiCounter name="index" display="Yes" increment="No">
Contact Page: <mgiCounter name="contact" display="Yes" increment="No">

Step 8: Save the counter summary page.

Save the changes you have made to the counter summary page.

Step 9: FTP the main pages of your web site and the counter summary page to the web server running MGI.

Upload the main pages of your web site and the counter summary page from your local computer to the web server using an FTP program.

Step 10: Access the pages of your web site and the counter summary page in a web browser.

Increment the counters by accessing the main pages of your web site in a browser. When you access the main pages, the counter will increment, but will not display. To see the counter values, view the counter summary page in a web browser. On the counter summary page, the counters will display, but will not increment.

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