Authorizing Shopping Basket Credit Cards via Accesspoint


Authorizing shopping basket orders paid by credit card via Accesspoint (requires Transaction Manager service from Accesspoint). The instructions below assume that you have an existing hard-coded or database-driven shopping basket solution, but supplies enough information to create the check out, confirm order and send order pages.

MGI Tags

  • mgiBillingInfoAP
  • mgiConditional
  • mgiConfirmOrderAP
  • mgiPaymentInfoAP
  • mgiSendOrderAP
  • mgiShippingInfoAP
  • mgiSet


  1. Purchase Transaction Manager service with Accesspoint.
  2. Open the check out page in a text editor.
  3. Insert the mgiPaymentInfoAP, mgiBillingInfoAP and mgiShippingInfoAP tags.
  4. Save the check out page.
  5. Open the confirm order page in a text editor.
  6. Insert the mgiConfirmOrderAP tag and change the form action.
  7. Save the confirm order page.
  8. Create a denied order processing page.
  9. Save the denied order processing page.
  10. Open the denied order processing page in a text editor.
  11. Insert a check out link or mgiSendOrderAP tag.
  12. Save the denied order processing page.
  13. Open the (accepted) order processing page in a text editor.
  14. Insert the mgiSendOrderAP tag.
  15. Save the (accepted) order processing page.
  16. FTP the check out, confirm order, denied order processing, and order processing pages to the web server running MGI.
  17. Use the Accesspoint administration to enter the URL of the confirm order page or IP number of the machine and to put the Transaction Manager in demo mode.
  18. Order a product and complete the shopping basket process with Accesspoint in demo mode.
  19. Use the Accesspoint administration to put the Transaction Manager in live mode.

Step 1: Purchase Transaction Manager service with Accesspoint.

You may purchase Transaction Manager service with Accesspoint using our sign-up form. Accesspoint can use some existing merchant accounts (see the processor list) or you may sign-up for a new merchant account with them.

Step 2: Open the check out page in a text editor.

Open the check out page in a text editing program that allows you to view and modify HTML.

Step 3: Insert the mgiPaymentInfoAP, mgiBillingInfoAP and mgiShippingInfoAP tags.

Using the Accesspoint system for credit card transactions, the Payment and Billing Information is required, therefore you must enter the mgiPaymentInfoAP and mgiBillingInfoAP tags. The mgiShippingInfoAP tag is optional. If you have an existing shopping basket solution, replace the standard mgiPaymentInfo, mgiBillingInfo and mgiShippingInfo tags with the AP version. The AP tags create forms with field names that conform to the Accesspoint system.
Enter the mgiPaymentInfoAP tag, visa parameter, mastercard parameter, amex parameter, discoverNovus parameter, carteBlanc parameter, dinersClub parameter, purchaseOrder parameter, and check parameter. For all parameters (visa, mastercard, etc.), enter "Yes" if you accept that form of payment and enter "No" if you do not accept that form of payment.
Enter the mgiBillingInfoAP tag. There are no required or optional parameters for the mgiBillingInfoAP tag.
Enter the mgiShippingInfoAP tag. There are no required or optional parameters for the mgiShippingInfoAP tag.

<FORM ACTION="confirmorder.html" METHOD="Post">

<mgiPaymentInfoAP visa="Yes" mastercard="Yes" amex="Yes" 
discoverNovus="Yes" carteBlanc="No" dinersClub="No" 
purchaseOrder="No" check="Yes">



<P>Additional Comments or Questions:</P>


<mgiButton name="Confirm Order">



Step 4: Save the check out page.

Save the changes you have made to the check out page.

Step 5: Open the confirm order page in a text editor.

Open the confirm order page in a text editing program that allows you to view and modify HTML.

Step 6: Insert the mgiConfirmOrderAP tag and change the form action.

Enter the beginning mgiConfirmOrderAP tag, taxRate parameter, state parameter, merchantID parameter, transactionType parameter, approvedURL parameter, deniedURL parameter, the confirm order body, and the ending mgiConfirmOrderAP tag.
In the taxRate parameter, enter the in-state tax rate as a decimal number (e.g., ".06"). In the state parameter, enter the full name of the state where the in-state tax is applicable (e.g., "North Carolina").
In the merchantID parameter, enter the unique username assigned by Accesspoint. In the transactionType parameter, enter "Sale" to "immediate hold on the customers available credit" or enter "Pre-Auth" to "place a temporary hold (three to thirty days depending on the bank) on the customers credit card account".
In the approvedURL parameter, embed an mgiInlineToken tag (to pass the token through AccessPoint). In the url parameter of the embedded mgiInlineToken tag, enter the full address to the page where you will process orders that are successfully authorized. If you have an existing shopping basket solution, enter the address to the order processing page. If your check out process is secure, enter a secure URL to the order processing page. In the deniedURL parameter, embed an mgiInlineToken tag (to pass the token through AccessPoint). In the url parameter of the embedded mgiInlineToken tag, enter the address of a page to process orders that cannot be authorized. That page will be created in subsequent steps of the instructions. If your check out process is secure, enter a secure URL to the denied order processing page.
In the body of the mgiConfirmOrder tag, enter each line of the mailing address for payments made by check. If you have an existing shopping basket solution, replace the standard mgiConfirmOrder tag with the AP version and add the merchantID, transactionType, approvedURL and deniedURL parameters.
Below the mgiConfirmOrder tag, enter an mgiButton tag and name parameter. This submit button submits the shopping basket order to Accesspoint for credit card processing. To create this button enter an mgiButton tag and enter "Process Payment" as the value of the name parameter. Enclose the mgiButton tag in an mgiConditional tag to check the payment method. The "Process Payment" button only needs to be shown if the payment method is "CreditCard". If you have an existing shopping basket solution, change the name of your button from "Send Order" to "Process Payment" and enclose it in the mgiConditional tags.
On the confirm order page, enclose the mgiConfirmOrder tag and mgiButton tag with HTML <FORM> tags. Enter the "" in the action parameter of the <FORM> tag and enter "Post" in the method parameter of the <FORM> tag. If you have an existing shopping basket solution, change the action of the <FORM> tag to "".


<mgiConfirmOrderAP taxRate=".06" state="North Carolina" 
merchantID="Username" transactionType="Sale"
The TShirt Store
1007 Main Ave
Raleigh NC 27606

<mgiConditional lhs="shoppingBasketPaymentMethod" 
relationship="equals" rhs="creditCard">

<mgiButton name="Process Payment">




Step 7: Save the confirm order page.

Save the changes you have made to the confirm order page.

Step 8: Create a denied order processing page.

Create a denied order processing page to handle errors in credit card processing.

Step 9: Save the denied order processing page.

Save the denied order processing page and name it "ccerror.html", the name of the page in the deniedURL parameter in the mgiConfirmOrder tag.

Step 10: Open the denied order processing page in a text editor.

Open the denied order processing page in a text editing program that allows you to view and modify HTML.

Step 11: Insert a check out link or mgiSendOrderAP tag.

The denied order processing page should provide options for customers whose credit card transaction has been denied. One option is to provide a link to the check out page so that the customer may enter a new payment method or payment information.

<p>An error has occurred during your payment transaction. 
Click the link below to return to the check out page and enter a 
new payment method or credit card number.

<H3 align="center">
<a href="checkout.html">Check Out</a>

Another option is to continue processing the order indicating the error in the order email subject. To continue processing the order, enter the mgiSendOrderAP tag, to parameter, from parameter, mailServer parameter, subject parameter, taxrate parameter and state parameter.
In the "to" parameter, enter the email address to receive shopping basket orders. In the "from" parameter, enter the email address to send orders from. In the mailServer parameter, enter the address for the outgoing mail server of your domain (e.g., In the subject parameter, enter the error subject for the order. In the taxRate parameter, enter the in-state tax rate as a decimal number (e.g., ".06"). The value of the taxRate parameter in the mgiSendOrderAP tag must match the value of the taxRate parameter in the mgiConfirmOrderAP tag. In the state parameter, enter the full name of the state where the in-state tax is applicable (e.g., "North Carolina"). The value of the state parameter in the mgiSendOrderAP tag must match the value of the state parameter in the mgiConfirmOrderAP tag.
<p>An error has occurred during your payment transaction.
Your order has been sent and a representative will be in contact
with you.

<mgiSendOrderAP to="" from="" 
mailServer="" subject="Order Error" 
taxrate=".06" state="North Carolina">

Step 12: Save the denied order processing page.

Save the changes you have made to the denied order processing page.

Step 13: Open the (accepted) order processing page in a text editor.

Open the (accepted) order processing page in a text editing program that allows you to view and modify HTML.

Step 14: Insert the mgiSendOrderAP tag.

To processing orders that are authorized, enter the mgiSendOrderAP tag, to parameter, from parameter, mailServer parameter, subject parameter, taxrate parameter and state parameter.
In the "to" parameter, enter the email address to receive shopping basket orders. In the "from" parameter, enter the email address to send orders from. In the mailServer parameter, enter the address for the outgoing mail server of your domain (e.g., In the subject parameter, enter the subject for the order. In the taxRate parameter, enter the in-state tax rate as a decimal number (e.g., ".06"). The value of the taxRate parameter in the mgiSendOrderAP tag must match the value of the taxRate parameter in the mgiConfirmOrderAP tag. In the state parameter, enter the full name of the state where the in-state tax is applicable (e.g., "North Carolina"). The value of the state parameter in the mgiSendOrderAP tag must match the value of the state parameter in the mgiConfirmOrderAP tag. If you have an existing shopping basket solution, change the standard mgiSendOrder tag to the AP version.
<p>Thank you. Your order has been received and will be shipped in
48 hours.

<mgiSendOrderAP to="" from="" 
mailServer="" subject="Online Order" 
taxrate=".06" state="North Carolina">

Step 15: Save the (accepted) order processing page.

Save the changes you have made to the (accepted) order processing page.

Step 16: FTP the check out, confirm order, denied order processing, and order processing pages to the web server running MGI.

Upload the check out, confirm order, denied order processing, and order processing pages to the web server using an FTP program.

Step 17: Use the Accesspoint administration to enter the URL of the confirm order page or IP number of the machine and to put the Transaction Manager in demo mode.

Access the Transaction Manager administration screen at Enter your username and password in the form and click "Submit" button. Click the "Transaction Manager" link to access the "Transaction Processing Source" screen. Click the "Administration" menu button, then click the "Remote Processing" menu button. Set the "Mode" to "Test" and enter the URL of the confirm order page or the IP address of the web server with the confirm order page in the designated text field. To save the changes, click the "Update" button.

Step 18: Order a product and complete the shopping basket process with Accesspoint in demo mode.

Complete the shopping basket process and order a product while Accesspoint is in demo mode.

Step 19: Use the Accesspoint administration to put the Transaction Manager in live mode.

Access the Transaction Manager administration screen at Enter your username and password in the form and click "Submit" button. Click the "Transaction Manager" link to access the "Transaction Processing Source" screen. Click the "Administration" menu button, then click the "Remote Processing" menu button. Set the "Mode" to "Live" and click the "Update" button to save your changes. All credit card orders will then be processed using the Transaction Manager system.

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