Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why doesn't my shopping basket display?

A1. A token was not passed to the shopping basket. The MGI shopping basket system is based on unique tokens for each customer. If a token is not passed to the page containing the mgiShoppingBasket tag, the shopping basket will display. To correct this problem, check the page that submits to the shopping basket page (e.g., a product page) and make sure it contains mgiToken tags that surround all HREFs and FORM actions.
A2. No items were added to the shopping basket. If a submit button is clicked, but a quantity is not entered, then the shopping basket remains empty and does not display.

Q2. Why do I get an Unknown Shopping Basket error message at the confirm order page?

A1. The mgiConfirmOrder tag cannot read the information in the internal MGI shopping basket database. The Unknown Shopping Basket error occurs on the confirm order page because the mgiConfirmOrder tag cannot access the shopping basket information. Read further for specific problems that affect mgiConfirmOrder's access to shopping basket information.
A2. The internal MGI shopping basket database is within a password-protected WebSTAR realm. The mgiConfirmOrder tag must be able to access the shopping basket database in the MGI Data Folder. If the MGI Data Folder is within a password-protected WebSTAR realm, access is denied to the mgiConfirmOrder tag's request and the Unknown Shopping Basket error occurs.
A3. The secure and unsecure folder structures do not match. The secure and non-secure folder structure must match exactly for each client. If the folder structures do not match, the mgiConfirmOrder tag cannot locate the MGI Data Folder (and shopping basket databasse) on the non-secure machine.

Q3. Why can't I use two mgiSendOrder tags on my order processing page?

A1. The first tag deletes the shopping basket information from the database. When a customer completes the shopping process and the mgiSendOrder tag is processed, the customer's order is deleted from the shopping basket database. Therefore, the second mgiSendOrder tag is not able to locate the customer's information and cannot be processed. If you require multiple mgiSendOrder tag functionality, consider customizing the order processing with mgiSendMail tags and the emptyCustomerSB mode of mgiSendOrder.

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